Wednesday, August 08, 2007

SITI Day 3

Viewpoints with Barney ( Rihacek, I absolutely see why you are in love this man, he is a beautiful soul)

Classical Theatre is structured in a vertical line, Hierarchical. Viewpoints flips that over and makes it horizontal. Nothing is more important than the other. No beginning and end (except Time and Space)

Use all 5 Senses. Actors need to see like a painter, Hear like a composer, Feel like a sculptor, smell like a sommelier, and taste like a chef.

We have all noticed something here amongst ourselves and are curious to ask the company if it is a change or if everyone is trained wrong across the country. The word soft focus has never been used. While viewpointing we are encouraged to look at each other. This seems like such a minor change, but it really is drastic. We all got on stage went into soft focus, Zombie face, and were told "No, look around, make your gaze near, far, or infinite. Look at each other but don't stare. Don't stay to long with anything." Is this a change, a progression in Viewpoints? Or have we all been trained badly?

If really pressed, Space is the only Viewpoint.

Coincidence. Co-Incidents

In Viewpoints the actor is the artist and the instrument all at once.

Suzuki with Bondo. ( Bondo has become my new hero, Not to take anything away from Bruce "Zeus" Cromer, but my god, Bondo is a beast)

Suzuki is slowly becoming my favorite thing to do. I can concede to Rihacek the feeling is analogous to the feeling you have after getting a tattoo, skydiving, or sex. Still don't understand smoking though.

Your images and intent are what get you through, but don't just focus on the images to the exclusion of focusing on your body and the moves. Or shifting balance in my case.

No body ever over shoots their leg and loses balance. We are all conserving our balance to the point of not doing it right. What are we afraid of losing? Control? Are we afraid we could fly? That is the point where acting should begin.

Movement class with Barney

Developmental Movement, very similar to Authentic movement, based out of research of fetuses and newborns.

Dance= Conscious movement. Everyone can dance. Some of us just can't dance well.

Homologous Movement- Upper body, lower body. You have six limbs. Head, Arms, Legs, Tail.

Homolateral- Left side or Right side

Translateral- Left/right right /left like walking.

Text with Stephen

All text for the stage is poetic

All poetry is vocal and meant to be heard

The medium of poetry is the human body.

Poetry was created to hold things in memory, to describe intensity and sensuousness, to convey ideas and feeling rapidly and memorably, and to communicate with the dead.

We watched Katzelmacher in the theater this evening. It is a German film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder from 1969. It is the structure that SITI is basing their new show off of. The show is called "Who do you think you are?" and it is based off the idea Scientific breakthroughs in Neuroplasticiy. Sounds exciting, eh? Sarcasm doesn't carry very well in my typing, but know that it was drippping with it. I hate,hate, hate this movie. I want to rebel against it. It's cold and unemotional, nothing happens. It worries me the direction I perceive them to be going. I hope and expect to be surprised with the result. I hope!

Composition problems. We need a director, even though the first rule of this piece was no director. We need an editor, there are to many cooks in the kitchen. No one notices the friction or lack of communication when everyone talks and wants there ideas to be heard. Ideas are cheap, which means that you can throw them out there if you want. But they're cheap, which means they will lack a lot of substance as well. So as usual I'm tending to remain quiet. I don't want to step into the role I naturally would and direct. So I'm spending my ideas wisely. This will come back to bite me in the butt.

Take care of each other. Here's to a better future.


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