Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lincoln Center Day 2

Collaboration- We spent all day on it and will spend the next three. Hope it doesn't come off as boring, it was a fascinating day. I made friends, which you all probably know is hard for me to do.

We need complementarity in collaboration- Freedom/Discipline, Individual/Community

If you can do it by yourself, then by all means do it. Don't collaborate unless there is a need. Don't collaborate because it is in vogue

Why do you need to collaborate? Why on this project?

Don't deify collaboration. It is effective, but it is also inefficient. Every project needs to be examined to see what is the best.

Mothering an actor vs. Fathering an actor Nurturing vs. Challenging

Before beginning a piece agree on how you are going to collaborate.

Compromise isn't a bad thing. It helps you define necessity. What won't you give up.

Ask the actors, designers, etc. " how do you learn best?"

Collaboration weaves relationship and the project.If the realtionship is at a 10 and the project is at a 10 then you have true collaboration. 5 and 5 compromise. 1 and 1 resignation. Relationship at 10 project at 1 = accomadation. Relationship 1 project 10= domination

Should rehearsals be closed? Don't they just become performances if not? What about presenting for backers/designers/press?

I'll end on a joke

You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.

say it out loud, it's funny

Thank you oh faithful reader for reading this blog of nonsense. You are a good friend indeed.

Happy 1?

Just kidding, I hope it sparks ideas, or at least comes across an iota as exciting and thought provoking as i'm experiencing. Night night, i'm tired.


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