Wednesday, August 08, 2007

SITI Day 10

SITI Day 10
Viewpoints with J.Ed

Worked on Architecture. Abstract use and literal use.

Suzuki with Bondo

Never idle. Foot to the base, burn rubber but don't move.

Voice with Ellen

Use your voice like a dart. Be clear when you want to send it. Not a general wash. Generality is the enemy of all art.

Design with Darren (Sound) and Brian (Lights)

Use design as another viewpoint.

Design is governing space and time in a production

It can be another actor in the room

Design isn't a band-aid, it should be a part of the DNA.

We go to the ballet to hear the music better.

We hold the after image in our visual cortex. Humans aren't built to bump forward. The after effect of music, taking it out has to be equally important.

Everything is flexible ( except regional theatre)

Sometimes design plays counterpoint, sometimes melody

Don't fight the design, don't let the design fight you. Simpatico.

Unlock from the series of understandings.

Ask more of an audience, ask them to be participants.

Take care of each other, here's to a better future.


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