Tuesday, August 21, 2007

SITI Day 23

Suzuki with Bondo

Introduction of You are my Sunshine.

I can't begin to describe this except to say try doing the most physically strenuous thing you have ever done or imagined and then sing You are my sunshine with a smile on your face while doing it.

Fast Marches

Viewpoints with J.Ed and the Rachel's in the Theatre.

The Rachel's played live for us in viewpoints. It is amazing to work with them. They are viewpointing off of what you do, it makes you aware of yourself in a way that is almost scary.

Duration- Go farther than you think that you should. It enables other people to play off of it.

Wake up the space, where are we not looking

Keep going inside, don't decay

We all want to be hamlet, but what happens when we are cast? If the focus is suddenly thrown on you are you going to back down or rise to the challenge?

Don't let the audience see the blueprint, just let them have the experience in awe.

Does the audience need to hear you speak, or can they just experience you doing it?

Take care of each other, Here's to a better tomorrow.


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