Double Day. Two Suzuki's, two Viewpoints.
Viewpoints with Anne ( her surgery got postponed)
The secret to all art is: You live, then you die. Everything is in a constant struggle with entropy.
She is very fun to Viewpoint with. She is very active with it.
Do it before thinking about it. Don't prepare, just do it before thinking about it.
Garth Fagan's Dance company is known for their jumps. They never prepare for them they just jump and it takes everyone by surprise. Play with surprising yourself.
Suzuki with Ellen
Suzuki with Leon
Concentration isn't about the singular focus, it's about the all encompassing focus. How can you maintain your image in your minds eye, while also focusing on your balance, breathing, and concentration
We've been called the strongest group they've had so far. The problem is that we are being academic about it. We're not enjoying it, we're not savoring it. We're just trying to be perfect.
Small changes that are very miniscule can be huge. Tubby or Not Tubby. To Be or Not To Be. Miniscule change, but enormous.
Viewpoints with Barney
More with the eyes. Don't be Viewpoint Zombies. Is this something they have changed, seen wrong with other people, or are we all trained incorrectly?
Symposium with Anne in the Theater
What are we trying to do in theatre?
1) Trying to create a model society
Stanislavski came to America, Strasberg, Clurman, Adler, and Crawford all saw the work they did. We think they were wowed by the acting ( which they were) but what was the first thing they wanted to do? They wanted to form a group. It was the idea of living together in a model society that started the impetus for The Group Theatre and the further offshoots ( however delusional or far away from the original idea)
Can we get along in the play? Can we get along in the room?
Theatre is the only form about societies.
2)Trying to show a model human being.
Mirror Neurons. A neuron that fires while watching someone do something live. We are actually subconsciously censoring ourselves from repeating it. The more familiar you are with the activity the more your neurons are firing.
Differentiate one moment from the next, that is the actors true job
Acting is a person at his/her peak potential
3)Cultivate Distance and Intimacy
John Conklin at NYU Grad Design always tells his students to Go near or far, never stay in the middle distance.
Real vs. Artificial- If there is only form, there is no life. If there is only reality, there is no form.
Freedom doesn't mean the freedom to do. It means the freedom to not do or not expect. Jared please correct me, but it isn't the freedom of the press or freedom to practice religion, but rather the freedom to not have anyone tell you that you can't practice your religion or the freedom to not have someone stifle your speech.
Certainty always leads to violence. Religion, for all its well meaning intentions, will always lead to violence because of certainty.
4)Reify Courtesy ( reify means to make real)
Chivalry ( and the entire chivalric code) was originally created to treat the other person as if they were dangerous. That way you would treat each other with respect so as not cause any reason to fight.
Courtesy in museums. People are taking pictures on their cell phones of works of art. They are saying I own this. I am bigger than this and I can take it if I want.
Be courteous about space.
Making the space dangerous at the beginning of rehearsal not an hour in to the process.
5) Articulation as access to neuroplasticity
The brain changes by constantly learning something new.
Post-modernism is dead ( as expounded by Anne Bogart, and if anyone in theatre has the right to say that I say she has earned it) Now the search for meaning has begun.
Who's stories are we telling, and how are we telling them?
How you tell your story is how your life becomes. If you tell it as a constant problem, your life will become a constant problem
6) We are changing time
Life is on internet time, we have the ability to make time more elastic in the theatre
Go after it, but don't forget to taste it.
7) Cultivate patience and confusion
It engages the imagination
8) Allow the dead to speak
What you need to create a piece is a Question, and Anchor, and a Structure.
Take care of each other. Here's hoping for a better future